Peter Jackson has just released another wonderful production video on his Facebook page. This latest video has some of the cast and crew share some of their memories of working so far on The Hobbit, which recently finished production on the first block of shooting. (The production of The Hobbit is set to span 254 days so Jackson has split filming up into three blocks)
You can enjoy the delightful video in the player below, which is guaranteed to make many fans of the Lord of The Rings trilogy very happy!
Updated: Official picture of all 13 dwarfs

JED BROPHY as Nori, DEAN O’GORMAN as Fili, MARK HADLOW as Dori, JAMES NESBITT as Bofur, PETER HAMBLETON as Gloin, GRAHAM McTAVISH as Dwalin, RICHARD ARMITAGE as Thorin Oakenshield (center), KEN STOTT as Balin, JOHN CALLEN as Oin, STEPHEN HUNTER as Bombur, WILLIAM KIRCHER as Bifur, ADAM BROWN as Ori and AIDAN TURNER as Kili in New Line Cinema’s and MGM's fantasy adventure 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey', a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Photo by James Fisher.