Carrey ruled himself out of playing Curly alongside Sean Penn's Larry and Benicio del Toro's Moe saying he was capable of putting on enough weight:
"I think it's dead. It's dead at least with me," he said. "For me, I don't really want to do anything halfway, and I don't feel like a fat suit does it. I started experimenting with it a little bit, and I gained 35, 40 pounds. I wanted to gain another 30, 40.
"When you're [Robert] De Niro in your 20s or early 30s, you can kind of come back from that. It's a tough thing to come back from when you're upwards of 30. Your body can't carry it or you can have a cardiac arrest."
Discussing further the drawbacks of starring in the slapstick comedy, Carrey added: "Put that with Sean Penn and Benicio Del Toro slapping me in the head all day long, and someone will lose an eye. It won't be good. It'll be like Midnight Express. It'll be awful."