"I don't know for sure, I can't say for sure but I will say that the experience of the 3D in Guardians was so successful for what I wanted it to do. I think that 3D is pretty awesome if it's done as part of the cinematic language as opposed to being a gimmick."Discussing the cinematic history of Superman Zack Snyder confirmed his 'Superman' will depart from the Donner versions:
Snyder's wife and co-producer Deborah Snyder said that it was "really just too early to tell" if the superhero blockbuster would be in 3D, although she admitted that she was looking forward to teaming up with producers Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas.
"We have such enormous respect for Chris and Emma and their work," she said. "We've been such fans and we're just thrilled to be working with them."
"I like the Donner version. It's hard not to like it, it's so awesome but I don't think this will have anything to do with any of those."Snyder also talked about where in the Superman time-line will the film be set:
As I have already explained, the film will focus on early days of Superman, so there will be no links with other films. This is not a remake then. Similarly, although I still can not talk about the script, I can assure you that this new Superman will not be based on a comic book in particular.UPDATE: Brandon Routh may still be a contender to play Superman once more, the News of the World reports a surge of online support for the Brandon has convinced Snyder to give him another chance to don the cape, and he will be considered again for the role even though Warner Bros. asked for an all-new cast.
In a recently interview, Snyder responded to the Internet campaign to get Routh cast in the new movie saying:
"I know! I didn't realize there was such a groundswell!"You can join the petition here.