Kevin Bacon has joined the film in a role that is being kept secret, he is expected to play the villain in the movie.
Another cast announcement was also made today, Jennifer Lawrence will portray Mystique.
Banshee's power is a sonic scream that harms hearing and causes sonic vibrations. The Irish mutant's real name is Sean Cassidy. He also has the ability to fly and hover at the speed of sound.
Emma Frost possesses telepathy abilities matching those of Charles Xavier.
Havok is a mutant possessing the power to absorb ambient cosmic energy, process it and emanate it from his body as waves of energy that heat the air in the path, turning it into plasma in the form of a blast or discharge, with a tell-tale concentric circle pattern. These waves will emanate from his body in all directions unless he purposefully tries to channel them in a single direction, usually along the length of his arms. This results in control over an extremely powerful sort of destructive force.
Beast has superhuman physical strength and agility. Throughout his history, the character undergoes various transformations, taking on such animal characteristics as blue fur and feline facial features.
Cyclops mutant ability is to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes.
Mystique is a mutant shape-shifter with the ability to psionically shift the formation of her biological cells at will to change her appearance and thereby assume the form of other humans. She can also alter her voice to duplicate exactly that of another person.