"It feels like the end of an era of a certain type of film. There are series of films, a lot of sequels, and a lot of remakes, and part of the humour of Scream 4 is when characters comment on that. 'Enough of Saw 25 and all'. A lot of films, directors, and studios are the butts of some of the jokes."Plot: There have been 10 years of no Ghostface, but there has been the movie-within-a-movie Stab. We have fun with the idea of endless sequels, or "sequelitis" as Kevin calls it in the script. Sid goes through these three horrendous things, and Stab was based on those horrible things. And then they've been taken by a studio and run into the ground in a series of sequels. She has been off by herself and living her own life, and she's even written a book that has gotten a lot of critical acclaim. She's kind of put her life back together in the course of these 10 years. But, certainly, there would be no Scream without Ghostface, so she has to confront him again, but now as a woman who has really come out the darkness of her past.He continued by saying that just like in the trilogy, knowing the horror formula will help them beat the Ghostface murderer.
"In order to figure out what's happening around them, the characters have to figure out where the genre of horror is. So this is a look at horror after ten years of a lot of sequels rather than original films coming up year after year. One film is successful, and then they make 25 of them."
The creator also promised a reinvention of horror itself.
"I think it's time for something new. I've done remakes of my own films too, with, The Last House On The Left and The Hills Have Eyes, but we feel it's time for something new and different, and that’s what this film is going to be."