In an interview with the
La Times, Christopher Nolan confirmed rumours that we will help bring 'The Man Of Steel' back to the sliver screen. Teaming up once again with Batman Begins/Dark Knight collaborator David Goyer, Nolan will help script the film with Goyer. Chris and his wife producer Emma Thomas are actively searching for a director for the new Superman film. The film will stand on its own and have nothing to do with Bryan Singers 'Superman Returns,' he told the La Times:
'It’s very exciting; we have a fantastic story,” Christopher Nolan said while sipping tea in the sleek editing suite that fills the converted garage next to his Hollywood home. “And we feel we can do it right. We know the milieu, if you will, we know the genre and how to get it done right.”
'A lot of people have approached Superman in a lot of different ways. I only know the way that has worked for us that’s what I know how to do,' Nolan said, emphasizing the idea that Batman exists in a world where he is the only superhero and a similar approach to the Man of Steel would assure the integrity needed for the film. “Each serves to the internal logic of the story. They have nothing to do with each other.'
'He(David Goyer) basically told me, 'I have this thought about how you would approach Superman,’' Nolan recalled. I immediately got it, loved it and thought: That is a way of approaching the story I’ve never seen before that makes it incredibly exciting. I wanted to get Emma and I involved in shepherding the project right away and getting it to the studio and getting it going in an exciting way.'
'I went to the studio with the analogy of ‘I want to cast the way they did in 1978 with 'Superman,’ where they had [Marlon] Brando and Glenn Ford and Ned Beatty and all these fantastic actors in even small parts, which was an exotic idea for a superhero movie at the time. It really paid off too. As a kid watching ‘Superman,’ it seemed enormous and I realized later by looking at it that a lot of that was actually the casting, just having these incredibly talented people and these characterizations. And Marlon Brando is the first guy up playing Superman’s dad. It’s incredible.'
On 'Batman 3' he had little to say about the plot but did reveal that Jonathan Nolan is hard at work scripting the film and it will be his final Batman film, which will be the end of the Nolan era of Batman, saying:
'My brother is writing a script for me and we’ll wait to see how it turns out.... He’s struggling to put it together into the epic story that you want it to be.'
'Without getting into specifics, the key thing that makes the third film a great possibility for us is that we want to finish our story,' he said. 'And in viewing it as the finishing of a story rather than infinitely blowing up the balloon and expanding the story.'
Nolan said the key surviving characters from the two first films and the actors who play them will be back. 'We have a great ensemble, that’s one of the attractions of doing another film, since we’ve been having a great time for years.'
'I’m very excited about the end of the film, the conclusion, and what we’ve done with the characters,” Nolan said.'My brother has come up with some pretty exciting stuff. Unlike the comics, these things don’t go on forever in film and viewing it as a story with an end is useful. Viewing it as an ending, that sets you very much on the right track about the appropriate conclusion and the essence of what tale we’re telling. And it harkens back to that priority of trying to find the reality in these fantastic stories. That’s what we do.'