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MTV Uma Thurman talked a little about 'Kill Bill Vol. 3.' While not revealing too much info on the proposed film, she did say QT has an awesome idea for it, full interview below:
"We did chat, we did chat," she told us. "He has not yet finished the script. I don't even really know if he's really started it, although I got a taste of some of his ideas and they are really good."
That statement's certainly a head-scratcher. Did she mean to say QT told her he's started writing, but she kinda doesn't believe him? That he's been brainstorming ideas but that by "not yet finished" she meant "hasn't even started"? We'll have to wait for confirmation on that one, because Thurman maintained tight-lip status about any more "Bill" details.
"I can't tell you!" she cried. "I'm sorry!"
Since Thurman and Tarantino essentially created the character of the Bride together, Uma would presumably have a say in which direction their fictional creation heads. When the last film ended, she and her daughter were reunited and headed off for happy-ever-after land. But you just knew that was only going to last for so long. In her chat with Tarantino, did she contribute any of her own ideas?
"He has started to share with me what he was thinking, and it's awesome," was all she'd say, understandably.
So whatever shape the script is in (or if it actually exists yet) and whenever production might one day ramp up, one thing we do know is that Uma is down for "Kill Bill 3."
"Yeah, I think it'd be fun!" she said.