"Fraggle Rock" is "still in very active development. Very active development. That has a very strong script." Woosh. See that emphasis on the second 'very'? That's all Henson baby. He was emphatic in his "Fraggle" talk. And that's not all!As of yet there's no mention if Genndy Tartakovsky is still int he directors chair for 'The Power of the Dark Crystal.' (Fingers crossed he is)
"It'll have a strong musical component," he said. "It'll be expanded to an older audience. 'Fraggle Rock' [the TV show] was presented... for a pretty exclusively children's audience. The feature film does expand it to be more accessible to a wider audience."
"We have a 'Dark Crystal' sequel, called 'The Power of the Dark Crystal.' It has a very strong script." More emphasis. I like that, Mr. Henson. Enthusiasm. It's infectious. I'm already excited about these projects, and hearing your comments only amplifies that.
"Both of those projects... are very close to going into pre-production," Henson said. "They're both really ready to go. [The studio is] just [in the process of] putting together the final finance pieces and the final distribution pieces."
Dark Crystal
Fraggle Rock Intro