After years of been lost in a
rights battle between Todd McFarlane and Neil Gaiman. Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada has revealed to
CBR that Miracleman will be resurrected in the Marvel Universe and will be given his orginal name of 'Marvelman.'
"Marvelman belongs to Marvel," said Quesada, saying that the company purchased the character from creator Mick Anglo – a process that started in 2007 thanks to word from Neil Gaiman. "Mick is 94 years old, and I talked to him on Wednesday for an hour and a half," said Buckley noting that Marvel had discusses plans for the character and its stories with Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Alan Davis and Mark Buckingham, who was in the audience.
"I'm excited to see this character not just at Marvel, but the continued adventures of Marvelman," said Quesada.
Marvelman, renamed Miracleman in his American reprints and story continuation, is a fictional comic book superhero created in 1954 by writer-artist Mick Anglo for publisher L. Miller & Son. Originally intended as a United Kingdom home-grown substitute for the American character Captain Marvel, the series ran until 1963. He was revived in 1982 in a dark, post-modern series by Alan Moore many consider to be one of the greatest comic runs ever in the history of the medium, with later contributions by Neil Gaiman.