"This is a place where Disney will start looking as the place where they will want to do all of their films," he said.Update: Wolverine stars Taylor Kitsch have been cast in 'John Carter of Mars'.
The film will bring hundreds of cast and crew members to the state during production. "This is over 400 people involved in full-time work for seven-straight months here in the State of Utah. This is going to put our film crews to work. It's really going to put us on the map as a place to film," Perry said.
He continued, "This is exactly what we told our legislature would happen when we got a better incentive program for film. We will have 400 people coming constantly in and out of the State of Utah, staying in our motel rooms. They'll be eating in our restaurants."
Kitsch, (Friday Night Lights, Gambit in 'Wolverine') will play the title character, a damaged Civil War veteran who finds himself mysteriously transported to Mars where his involvements with warring raced of the dying planet force him to rediscover his humanity.
Collins (True Blood, Kayla Silverfox in 'Wolverine')will play Dejah Thoris, the Princess of Mars.