Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weinstein's Lose 'Sin City 2' Rights

IESB are reporting that The Weinstein Company has lost the rights of the follow up to Frank Miller's Sin City.
"The last few years we've heard chatter about a script that was being written and may well be the case. But, the good news is, it won't be produced over TWC.

The specifics are not clear but some details are emerging that the movie will now be financed by a private equity group and an announcement is expected soon.

Robert Rodriguez' Trouble Maker studios will still produce the film.

No word on what studio may end up distributing. Universal Studios' name has come up as a possible contender."
Flicks News also has it on good authority that footage has already been filmed some years back by Rodriguez that involved Johnny Depp and Christopher for the intention of it to be used in Sin City 2.

UPDATE: have got word from Weinstein Co. lawyer Bert Fields who denies the report, telling EW:
"TWC's rights to produce sequels to Sin City remain intact as they always have been. Any suggestion to the contrary is complete hogwash."