In a interview with MTV, David Cronenberg revealed he is looking to make a squeal to his last film 'Eastern Promises,' which starred Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts and Vincent Cassel, here's what he had to say:
We are moving forward with it," Cronenberg told MTV News in an exclusive chat. "We all are excited about the idea of doing a sequel."
The "we" includes Mortensen, who was nominated for a Best Actor Oscar for his role as Nikolai; the film's screenwriter, Steven Knight; original producer Paul Webster; and original studio, Focus Features.
"We are going to have a meeting very soon between me, Steve Knight and Paul Webster to discuss what the script would be," Cronenberg said. "I have some very strong ideas about what I would like to see, but I would like to hear what they have to say as well. And then after that, if all goes well, Steve goes away and writes a great script. If we all like it, we make it.