MTV got to sit down with David Carradine and talk some Kill Bill, where he shed some light on the prospect of Anime prequel that's long been discussed:
“He planned an anime version of the life of Bill before the movie — which would have to be anime because I’m not getting any younger,” Carradine said recently in an interview with MTV News. “He’s also talking about two sequels to it.”
“If he ever gets around to it, but he’s a will-o’-wisp,” the former ‘Kung Fu’ star said. “If he does that, great!” As Carradine pointed, out, though, no one is holding their breath for the prequel to happen soon.
“He’s a little busy,” the actor added. Tarantino’s latest movie, the amply vowel-endowed war flick “Inglourious Basterds” starring Brad Pitt, is slated for release later this year.
“Just doing the first ['Kill Bill'] took ten years,” Carradine joked, “so who knows when he’ll get around to doing the anime?”