“Tony (writing partner Tony Grisoni) and I have started rewriting Don Quixote just this last week. [We] finally got the script back. I re-read the greatest script ever written and realise we gotta get rewriting! I really wanna knock that one out in the next month or so.”Johnny Depp is set to reprise his role as a 21st century marketing executive transported back in time.
Gilliam was vaguer on details, saying only that he had “some very different ideas” for the movie, but he has not lost any of his enthusiasm for the lance-wielding Spaniard. “[I’m] starting to think I was lucky, because maybe the film will be better seven years later. It will have matured a bit longer.”
Lost In La Mancha Trailer (Terry Gilliam First Attempt At Making The Man Who Killed Don Quixote)