Plot details have not been released but it is thought that the movie could introduce more than one predator.
No writer or director have been hired yet and it is not known whether Rodriguez will produce the film himself. Rodriguez was rumoured to be attached to a Predator sequel before and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson was set to star as the lead but plans where scuppered due to Rodriguez leaving the DGA and Fox opting for an Alien Vs. Predator film.
As we mentioned before Rodriguez is planning a Machete trilogy, Bloody Disgusting are also reporting that The Weinstein Company want to fast track the first movie in the series and make it top priority!
Fangoria also have linked Rodriguez to an upcoming film called 'NERVERACKER'.
NERVERACKER, for which no story or any other details have yet come to light, marks Rodriguez’s fourth genre outing for Dimension after FROM DUSK TILL DAWN, THE FACULTY and GRINDHOUSE/PLANET TERROR, and is currently set to open April 16, 2010. Casting, never mind shooting, hasn’t yet begun on either film, so we’ll see if those dates hold; keep your eyes here for more news as it comes in.