Its no secret that we at Flicks News are massive fans of Arrested Development and eagerly await to see the film,
IGN where lucky enough to catch up with the shows creator Mitch Hurwitz to ask him about the film and will Michael Cera return as George Michael? Here's what the article had to say:
Regarding an Arrested movie, Hurwitz said, "We have a deal with Fox Searchlight," before adding, "We have a story – which is Valkyrie meets Hotel for Dogs." Hurwitz said they were currently working on locking in the cast and remarked, "I'm really optimistic. We're getting close."
After the panel, I was one of a smaller group of journalists who spoke to Hurwitz, and we asked him the status of securing Michael Cera for the film, who has been more reluctant than others to commit to returning to play his character in the Arrested Development movie. Said Hurwitz of Cera potentially returning, "I hope so. I hope so. It's a big priority."
Asked if he had a way to rework the story, should Cera not come back, Hurwitz replied, "Well, I haven't written the story, truthfully. The Valkyrie thing was truly just a ruse!" Hurwitz explained that when it came to writing the script, "I do want to wait until I know who's in it, because it won't be like a big paying job, this movie. So it's not something I want to do on spec. I kind of want to know that we're making this. We're working on it."
Hurwitz added, "I will say about Michael Cera – he is a very, very smart guy. He's a very thoughtful guy. I remember when we were casting for Arrested, the TV show, and I'd seen him in a pilot years earlier, so I set out to get him. He was only 14 at the time. I Said, 'Let's get that kid. I think his name is Michael Cera. I think he lives in Canada.' I'm waiting and waiting to hear back, and after about three weeks I hear, 'Michael Cera responded to the script.' And I felt like, 'I didn't realize that was a step,' you know? But it gave me big respect for him, because it was like, you're not just some whore. You want to read the script, you want to understand the character. This is a young boy! So he's making smart decisions for himself… but I hope this will be one of them!"