"Having been working at not working has produced a guy who could never return to illustration again. It took a lot to attempt the idea of retiring from my 40 years of effort and sacrifice but now that I have, I am delighting in life as never before. I had forgotten how to rest, to smell the proverbial roses and to see the future as opportunity. I am grateful and honored to have had the opportunity to do all the work I did. I am well pleased to have been able to give a gift of beauty and peace through my artwork to so many throughout the world. Now I have laid down the burden and have peace and happiness as the reward for my day's labor."Struzan is one of the film industry's most recognised and celebrated artists. Drew has provided artwork for over 150 film posters as well as many classic album covers, advertising, and book covers. He is best knows by his poster illustrations for the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises and can count film makers George Lucas and Steven Spielberg among his biggest fans.
- Drew Struzan -
(September 3rd, 2008)
His work also includes other franchises such as E.T., Back to the Future, Blade Runner, The Goonies, the Muppet movies, Harry Potter, Hellboy, and many others...
Head to his offical website to just marvel at his work.
Drew Struzan your imagery, magic and talent will be greatly missed!