Firstly in Superman movie sequel News Variety's Ann Thompson posted an article on July 17th in which she claims to have spoken to Legendary Pictures producer Thomas Tull about the Watchmen movie and plans for the next Superman movie...
He's also vested in making the next Superman installment, which is still years away, come to life. While Bryan Singer has been working on Valkyrie, Tull and the folks at Warners have been listening to various screenwriters pitch their solutions to how to make the next Superman work. "It's an iconic character," says Tull. "After everything that went into the first film, it's important to make sure that nothing is rushed and we come out with a fantastic second film." One thing they all agree on: Superman needs a powerful antagonist, a "worthy opponent," he says.This is interesting as there has been talk of Superman being set for next year to be shot in Canada and extras already being cast, it is also worth noting variety and Ann Thompson had previously claimed that there was not going to be a Superman sequel and all the energy and resources where now being put in to a JLA film which ultimately got shelved and leads us to our next bit of news.

"She got the job because she blitzed her screen test. I had no idea she was so good. She was brilliant," Miller told Confidential.
"She has done some Italian movies but I didn't know she would be as good as she was.
"But once she read we all looked around at each other said, 'well, there's no question'."
As for whether the film will ever get off the ground again...
Despite the glowing rap from the legendary Australian filmmaker, Gale is still crossing her manicured fingers that the superhero film takes off following a series of false starts relating to the US writers and actor's strikes.
Initially slated to be filmed in Australia, Miller conceded the flick's production has been moved offshore, with a plan to resume filming next year.
"We hope it happens. At this stage I think it will be - we'll see," he said.