Simon Pegg won’t be appearing in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastards after all. He just blogged bout it on his official blog. Shame really as he was a great casting choice.
Much to our mutual disappointment, I won't be appearing in QT's forthcoming Inglorious Bastards due to insurmountable scheduling difficulties. We really tried to make it work but in the end, it just was not possible without severe ramifications elsewhere.He also revelaled on a later post this Superbad news:
I'm trying to remain upbeat, as Tom Selleck said "Who the hell is Indiana Jones anyway?"
But "superbad" as in really good, as in the the film, Superbad, directed by Greg Mottola who, coincidentally will be directing mine and Nick's new movie, Paul. So there it is, the superbad, good news...
My thanks to Harmony Carrigan for keeping that a secret for the last few months. Cheers H.x
Wow, there really has been a yin and yang style news flow this morning. If you haven't heard the bad news, go take a look at the previous blog but then come back to this on to cheer yourself up.