Variety have an article on Tony Jaa and The Ong-Bak 2 craziness that has been going on past few weeks which you can read about here and here!
The conflict between Tony Jaa and his studio that began with the director-actor's disappearance from the set of "Ong-bak 2" appears to be heading for resolution.
Following a face-to-face meeting between Jaa and Sahamongkolfilm Int'l boss Somsak Techaratanaprasert it looks likely that Jaa will return to the set of "Ong-bak 2."
Techaratanaprasert has agreed to finance the rest of the film under the supervision of director Prachya Pinkaew and action choreographer Panna Rittkrai.
"Let's get the film done, there are people waiting to see it," Techaratanaprasert said.
Last weekend, Jaa's lawyer created a sensation when he put forward a 7-point series of demands, including a Baht 50 million ($1.5 million) flat fee for the actor and the cancellation of the 10-year contract between Jaa and Sahamongkol.
Techaratanaprasert refused, saying only that negotiation of any kind will only resume after "Ong-bak 2" is completed.
The location of the meeting added to the bizarre nature of the story. Jaa, who walked off the set in early June to meditating in the jungle, visited the National Police Office on Monday afternoon to seek help from a senior police officer claiming that he was being stalked by mysterious men.
Techaratanaprasert joined him there and began to hammer out their differences, some two weeks after the dispute became public nearly two weeks ago.
Head to twitch too for their take on it!