Variety's Anne Thompson who has been more or less reporting since last year that the sequel wasn't happening and Singer is off project has posted another update regarding The Man Of Steel.
The question continues to rumble is Singer's Superman done for? Singer made a far superior X-men sequel to the original, so he has the skills to raise the game with the The Man Of Steel. If Warner's are going to go ahead and reboot Superman it would probably be in their best interests to put it aside for a few years, as look what happened with The Incredible Hulk reboot (it made same money as its predecessor and less overseas), I know Superman is a far more iconic and popular character but the risk is there (also Superman Returns did very well overseas). The debate continues to rage about what Warner Bros. should do with Superman. The last movie, Bryan Singer's Superman Returns, paid hommage to the Richard Donner Superman movies without completely updating the franchise the way Christopher Nolan did with Batman Begins.
Fans have been clamoring all over the web--and on this blog--for a complete reboot. And within the halls of Warner Bros. the same debate rages on. They too believe that the last movie didn't break the mold and wound up in some kind of middle limbo. Today I was told that it is a priority at the studio to find the right direction and if Bryan Singer is willing to do that, fine, but if he gets in the way, he may not stay on the project. There are no writers working on a Superman script now. The studio wants to figure it out. "It might be better to start from scratch," one exec admitted.
Also it is worth noting Batman Begins didn't favour as well as people now seem to assume, now that the Dark Knight is out and is a monster hit. Batman Begins found it's legs and audience once it hit DVD and blitzed Revenge Of The Sith DVD sales. Another thing to note comic book film adaptions must now be at there peak so it is very much strike while the iron is hot if a sequel is to be made as the great comic book film backlash can't be that far away due to over saturation of comic book adaptions.
No doubt the great 'is it happening?' will continue to rumble on till Warner's pull the finger out and decide what it is they want! It took 18 years for a fifth Superman film to be made with countless directors, writers in and out the door and each time failing to do it and that's not even to mention all the problems that plagued the follow up to the original. Singer came on board and just done it, it may not have been to everyone tastes but he made it and got it done. Everyone chiming in on Superman reboot seems to have a different way of what they want done with Superman, one would hope history does not repeat itself.
No doubt the great 'is it happening?' will continue to rumble on till Warner's pull the finger out and decide what it is they want! It took 18 years for a fifth Superman film to be made with countless directors, writers in and out the door and each time failing to do it and that's not even to mention all the problems that plagued the follow up to the original. Singer came on board and just done it, it may not have been to everyone tastes but he made it and got it done. Everyone chiming in on Superman reboot seems to have a different way of what they want done with Superman, one would hope history does not repeat itself.