Anime news network is reporting that Cowboy Bebop one of the greatest animes of all time if not the greatest, is heading for the live action treatment. Producer Erwin Stoff (The Matrix, A Scanner Darkly) is developing a live-action adaptation for 20th century Fox. Stoff had this to say on the project:
Its in the really early stages" since the parties "just signed it the other day."If done right this could make a great film as the series is superb and I hope the shows director Shinichiro Watanabe has a great deal of involvement in the film. The anime is set in the year 2071 AD, the crew of the spaceship Bebop travel the solar system trying to apprehend bounties. Nation-states have collapsed, and various races and peoples live throughout the solar system. In the slang of the era, "Cowboys" are bounty hunters. Most episodes revolve around a specific bounty, but the show often shares its focus with the pasts each of the four main characters and of more general past events, which are revealed and brought together as the series progresses