"James Vanderbilt is writing the script and I'm excited to read it. I think it's going to be done in a few months," Raimi said. "I'm hoping it's as great as our discussions were about it and I'm hoping it feels right for me because I love Spider-Man. I'm hoping I'm well rested enough to embrace it and I'm hoping Sony wants me to do it. If all of those things come together, I would love to do it."He also stated that were he to return he'd have no intention of re-casting the roles.
There definitely seem a strong possibility that the Spider-man 4 wheels are turning and will be the same team reuniting, J. Jonah Jameson himself J.K Simmons spoke to IESB.
"There was talk of doing four and five concurrently and I don’t know if they’re still considering that or not," he said, "I spoke to Tobey in, I guess it was February…sort of awards season time and, y’know, he’s certainly amenable to doing some more and hopefully we’ll be able to get everybody back and make another good one."