The article is over at iesb.net states that the reason Jon Favreau has not been locked in to direct Iron Man 2 is that Marvel is being cheap and they do not wanna give Favreau an increase in his pay check. Worst still Ain't It Cool News who usually dispel such rumors are reaching the same conclusions. Whats it with director getting f$$ked over with superhero films? If Marvel had any sense they would put a end to such rumors now and confirm whether or not Favreau is directing Iron Man 2?
Also Marvel have stated they are in negotiations with Favreau yet on his offical MySpace this is what he had to say
It’s been five weeks since the one and only phone call my reps have gotten from Marvel. I know their hands are full with the Hulk and I’m sure they will get into it shortly, as they tell me they intend to. I ran into the Marvel guys at the Hulk premiere and everyone sounded eager to get to work on IM2.I am concerned, however, about the announced release date of April 2010. Neither Robert nor I were consulted about this and we are both concerned about how realistic the date is in light of the fact that we have no script, story or even writers hired yet. This genre of movie is best when it is done thoughtfully and with plenty of preparation. It might be better to follow the BB/DK, X/X2 three year release pattern than to scramble for a date. It is difficult because there are no Marvel 09 releases and they need product, but I also think we owe it to the fans to have a great version of IM2 and, at this point, we would have less time to make it than the first one."
One call in five weeks is certainly not many would consider "negotiations."
Iron Man has so far made a world box office taking of $538,074,681!