In an interview with producer Chuck Roven over at IESB he has said that the Flash movie is still in development but will unlikely see a 2009 release.
I'm developing THE FLASH...[and we're] just in the script stage and the strike really did hurt us, so we definitely can't be around for '09, that’s an impossibilityHe also talks bout Get Smart and The Dark Knight.
Also Over at Chud they had a chat with producer Donald De Line on the Green Lantern film which he confirmed they are waiting for a first draft of the script and that Jack Black is no longer attached, and that this version will not be comedic but be an action film that deals with the origin story of Hal Jordan. Writer Marck Guggenheim was also interviewed on newsarama about the GL film.
I think Green Lantern has the potential to be a very highly regarded superhero movie. We're approaching it with such respect and such care. And really, it's written to be a movie that everyone who's not familiar with the character can enjoy, but there are so many nods to things that I know the fans love and care about that I think people will be very happy.
Also in DC related news the new issue of total film has Batman on the cover and new pics have been released they can be viewed here.